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Sheng Thao

Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao: A Trailblazing Leader

WEB Mayor Thao: A Rising Star in the Bay Area

Sheng Thao, the 51st mayor of Oakland, California, is making waves as a strong and effective progressive leader.

From Adversity to Triumph

Born on July 18, 1985, Thao is the first Hmong American mayor of a major city. Her family's story is one of resilience, overcoming genocide, poverty, and abuse.

WEB Mayor's Focus on Oakland

Thao is committed to addressing Oakland's most pressing issues, including affordable housing, economic development, and public safety.

A Bold and Effective Leader

As Council President Pro Tem, Thao has led the Bay Area in progressive initiatives and is widely recognized for her leadership in the community.

WEB Federal Investigation

In recent news, Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao's home was raided by FBI agents. The nature of the investigation remains undisclosed.
